FAQs that are usually addressed, however, if your question is not here – please do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you!
How Does It Work?
Simply select the manuals you want to teach within your academy (don’t forget we do course manual bundles) complete your purchase, you will then receive an email with your order details that contain download links to your manuals (hover over the name of the course) these are compatible with word and are fully editable to add your logos and academy brand details.
Are the manuals already accredited?
NO, but all of our manuals are ready for you to submit under your own company name, which you will have to do yourself via any accreditation company in order to gain insurance and be able to issue your students certificates in your academy’s name.
What accreditation companies will accept the manuals?
Whilst all manuals are made to the highest standards of the beauty industry, some accreditation companies may ask for amendments to be made. However, our manuals are pre-approved for accreditation by our trusted Accreditation Body, Course Accreditation
Can I make copies for my students?
Of course! Once you’ve purchased our manuals, and you’ve edited to your own branding, you’re welcome to print as many as you wish for your students. as this is the whole purpose of the manuals, all we ask is that you do not re sell to, or allow 3rd parties to teach from any content.
How do I receive the documents?
Once you’ve purchased your manual, you will receive an email with your order details as well as a downloadable word document that is your manual (hover over the product name on the order receipt). Ready for you to edit and make your own!
How much editing will they need for me to use them?
Our team of professionals have done the hard work for you. Once received, you’ll simply have to change the colours and branding, so it’s line with your training academy.
I can’t find a manual that I’m looking for on the website?
If there’s a specific manual you’re wanting to purchase, contact our team at [email protected]
Who is writing these manuals?
Our founders who each have had over 20 years experience in the beauty industry each. From working in the salon, to now owning their own training academies.
Can I resell your manuals to other academies once I’ve bought them?
No, these manuals are bought for your own training academy.
What payment methods do you offer?
We offer a variety of different payment methods such as Credit/Debit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Paypal, Klarna and much more!
I’ve lost my original copy of the manual, what can I do?
If you’ve lost your manual, contact our team at [email protected].
If you want to find out more about our business and how we started, please visit the ‘About Us’ page.